Instructions on how to install the leaked Intel version on Mac OS X on top of a Darwin 8.0.1 install
Here are some new images of Taito’s arcade vertical scrolling shooter Raiden III, the game will run on the Windows XP based Type-X arcade system.
The Industrial Design Excellence Awards are dedicated to fostering business and public understanding of the importance of industrial design excellence to the quality of life and the economy. Winning the IDEA is a distinction like no other that brands your
Recorded by dj cool synthesizer, dj techno maker & dj coldplaya somewhere in maldegem (belgium) on the 29th of june 2005
Aril Brikha, Blake Baxter, Fabrice Lig, Green Velvet, James Pennington, Octave One, Underground Resistance and many others
This document offers a few clarifications and thoughts on writing DVDs and in particular DVD videos under Linux.
“Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges” – badge design and manufacture
Category: general
Harry Egipt: So Hot Right Now

Being a linux nrrd, I love pengiuns, so how could I not love this ad. Its some Estonian post-coldwar icecream ad, yummy!
Thanks to Patrick via Boing Boing for that one.
Update: Make sure you check out this one as well. Totally surreal.
Test Entry
This blog entry is a test using Seth Nickell’s gnome-blog
Kung Hei Fat Choy
新年快樂 Hope you have a rad year of the rooster.
Update: Except for Patrick. He can go and get bent and f*ck a rooster. 😛
For the DJ with everything
Happy Birthday BJ
Making sure I don’t wish BJ a happy birthday a month late this year, Happy Birthday BJ. I swear I remembered before I read the blog entry 😉
I am a Breakout Bat.
Hey Hey 16K
An oh-so-cute flash animation of MJ Hibbett’s ode to old school home computers, Hey Hey 16K.
How to Read a Book
With the length of How to Read a Book (A Guide to Reading the Great Books) by by Mortimer J. Adler, I can’t help but this its some sort of sick joke for those of use who can’t be bothered to read a book.
Happy Birthday Nadia
A late happy birthday to me mate Nads. Not that she reads this. Or does she? Anyway, much fun was had at her party on Sunday night at the Hollywood Hotel. Everyone has fun there don’t they? Well Joanne and Thommy got hassled by some random blonde for not playing enough “current” music (for crying out loud, it was Nadia’s party ya scrag!), Adam put in a good effort of trying to get into a fight and Matt C got hit on byone or two random girlies on the prowl. I had an awesome time, cumulating to my kareoke performance of Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” (Too cold! Too cold!). I feel I now have a calling… but I have to deal with that meddling Cyia first. I feel she may be a hinderance to my future in the kareoke industry…
Oh yeah, I’ll try and get photos from the party online tomorrow, I swear!
Frigid website
Congrats B & Sarah
Congratulations to B and Sarah on their new engagement! What can i say? Marriage is a weird and wacky thing. I hope you guys have a great future together (and I’m sure you’ll no doubt will)!
Surfin’ fun

For the first time, in a really long time (perhaps 10 years) I went down the coast for a bit of bodyboarding fun. The last time I went all the way down to as far as Jervis Bay for Black Rock. This time I went only as far as the Wollongong region aka “Coal Coast”. I got up real early to meet up with Pete, James and Mel at BJ’s place at 6am. Sheesh. The sun wasn’t even up at that time.
So we headed down to the Gong, stopping off at Maccas on the way for breakfast. Our first stop was Thirroul. Looked OK, not too many people, but we thought we’d have a drive up north of Thirroul to check things out. I think we drove past probably Austinmer Beach, Headlands, Coledale Beach and Thommos before we hit the end of the road. The other beaches were OK, with one of them looking quite good, but it was too crowded, so we headed back to Thirroul where there were more breaks and it was less crowded.
Heading out at 8am, the waves were decent (around 4ft maybe??) and it was just hollow. Just hollow enough for me to snag a couple of nice barrels. Unfortunately due to my laughable state of fitness at the moment, I spent a good portion of my time stuck in the impact zone getting pummled by whitewash.
Later on we went for a walk to buy some stuff (notably, I finally bought a board leash after not having one for years). When we got back around 11 or so, the waves were still holding their size, but unfortunately, it was mostly closing out and the barrels were pretty much gone.
We headed to Wollongong after that for some lunch, and on the way back we stopped off at Garie Beach in the Royal National Park to see what it was like. That was my first time there, and it was beautiful. Shame about the surf though. By the time we got there, there was a full southerly gale in force, and everything was blown out. But I guess Garie can now be a mission for another weekend 🙂
Happy Birthday Patrick!
Happy birthday to you Patrick. MEH! to you today!!! 😛
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Jaime (for yesterday), Lee (sorry dude, can’t remember the date, I know its around now, or is it the 28th?) and Giv (may worms crawl up your ass for many years to come!)
Congratulations go out to my big sister Rebecca, who is getting married to her long time boyfriend Chris, who asked her to marry him last week. Don’t stress about Mum and Dad not getting too excited about it, its just the way they are! The immediately families reactions for Rozie and I getting married were pretty low key as well. I remember Rozie’s Mum’s reaction was “That’s nice” and she continued to finish washing the dishes.
When Rebecca and Chris told my parents that they were getting married, Dad’s first reaction was “So Chris, are you going to change the power points in your house from single to double points?”. Admittedly my first reaction when Mum told me was “Yeah, right.” So I shouldn’t talk!
I guess its just a family thing… 😆
Aphex Twin and Luke Vibert

I went with Adam, Nadia and Rozie to see Aphex Twin and Luke Vibert on Tuesday night at the Metro. Personally I loved it. It was a crazy mix of acid house (thanks to Vibert) and all the fun stuff from early 90’s rave music; acid techno, breakbeat, hardcore/gabber and drum ‘n’ bass. Absolutely heaps of 303 noises going on for most of the night. I haven’t heard that acid noises at a party in such a long time. I think for the most part though, big Aphex fans were disappointed the music was too “dancy” and didn’t deliver what he is known for, experimental music. A big thumbs up for me though, as it sounded as though Aphex and Vibert were delivering a custom set for a party, not some sort of noodly experimental electronics music wankfest. Good on them! Perhaps I feel this way as I’m not too attached or sentimental about RDJ, so I was going to be more or less happy with what he delivered.
Kung Hei Fat Choy
Happy Chinese New Year for those of you into that. Its the year of the Monkey by the way. According to 12 Zodiac my forecast is not that great 🙁
This will be an average year for you. The good news is, as long as you keep a low profile this year, there will be no major ups and downs like the roller coaster ride some other people have this year.
Patience and caution should be your motto. Think once, twice and even three times before you act and speak. Most importantly, you must refrain yourself from visiting the sick or attending funerals. nstead, try to go to as many weddings as possible this year. Better yet, if there is wedding or celebration in the family, it will bring the good vibes and good luck and turn this year to a much better year for you.
There will be few lucky stars on your side, but the luck will not be constant. Therefore, it is wise to consolidate this year rather than to expand.
Perverted scientists who advance an insidious theory called “evolution”!
The other day, I was talking to a work collegue about Mac OS X and Darwin.
“Yes, Darwin,” I said. “You know, the scientist who came up with the theory of evolution and all that”
“Oh, yes. The theory that we came from apes.” Then he responsed with, “that’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard of.”
I was quite taken back. So much so that all I could come back with was, “Well I guess you haven’t heard of many silly things in your time”.
I’m not quite sure what bothered me the most. It was either that in this day and age in Australia that someone thinks that creationism is a good theory, or that he so single-handly wrote off evolution as the silliest thing he’s ever heard of. Probably moreso the latter.
But it did get me thinking that I have quite quickly written off creationism as a possibility without much thought, the same as he did. I didn’t do biology at school (except when it touched upon during the general science classes during years 7 through 10), so I guess I’ve never really had a good thinking about evolution. Its just something that I’ve accepted as the truth, much the same as my collegue has accepted creationism as being the truth. I guess it never really helped that many people within the church that I attended while I was growing up didn’t accept creationism as a valid theory for how species came into being. In fact I remember one of the Sunday school teachers that I had for a couple of years actually teaching us that the World getting created in seven days was just primitive humans best guess of how it started.
Bill 97 2003
Some people just won’t let you have a good time, will they?