For Rozie’s birthday I bought her a pair of the Adidas Superstar 35th Anniversary Andy Warhol edition. Then on Monday this week I got myself a pair of the Lee Quinones edition Superstars. Love ’em, although a lot of people ain’t feeling it and I have to admit, the whole range didn’t turn out as cool as I was expecting. Photos to come.
Category: culture
Coming to Sydney Soon
A couple of my favourites producers/musicians are hitting Sydney soon. First in is Carl Craig. He’s playing at the Gaelic Club on Saturday 26th March. Then on Saturday 16th April Recloose is djing down at the Basement. Highly recommended for some deeper vibes. Then apparently over the Anzac Long Weekend is my favourite NZ band, Fat Freddy’s Drop a hitting it up.
Why Don’t You…
…skip celebrating Valentine’s Day (which Saint Valentine has very little do to with love) and wait until tomorrow and celebrate Lupercalia, the “annual Roman festival held on February 15 to honour Faunus, god of fertility and forests.”
The religious ceremonies were directed by the Luperci, the “brothers of the wolf”, priests of Faunus, dressed only in a goatskin. During Lupercalia, a dog and two male goats were sacrificed. Two youths were anointed with the blood, which was wiped off with wool soaked in milk, after which they were expected to smile. They afterwards ran round the Palatine Hill with thongs cut from the sacrificed goats in their hands. These were called Februa. Girls would line up on their route to receive lashes from these whips. This was supposed to ensure fertility.
Kid Koala & P-Love
Rozie and I went down to the Clare on Broadway last night to catch Kid Koala and P-Love for the Cyclic Defrost Issue 10 launch since we were too stingy to go and check out the “Short Attention Span Theatre” at the Gaelic Club last Thursday. The Clare isn’t a big place and it got packed out pretty quickly. By the end of the night it was stinking hot. They completed rocked the joint by dropping, cutting, scratching and juggling stacks of great breaks, hip hop, rock and some 80’s funk. I remember hearing Digital Underground’s “Humpty Dance” (who are coming out to play at the Sydney Luna Park soon), “The Power” by Snap, “7 Nation Army” by The White Stripes (like who doesn’t play that these days ;-)) and “Supersonic” by JJ Fad. There was stacks of other great tracks which I can’t remember right now, but it was a great night out. Glad we made the effort to get down there.
Theo and KDJ rumours
If I had a dollar for each time someone was saying that Theo Parrish or Kenny Dixon Jr was coming to Australia and it fell through I’d be a rich man! Well alright, I might have 10 or so dollars…
Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy
I’m usually pretty open minded when it comes to new stuff thats occuring in the field of genetics, but this is the first time that I can remember that I really thought “errgh”.
Tortoise Last night at the Festival Bar, Sydney

Bored Tonight?
The Black Dog Live
Dust Science have made available for download an two-hour live set from the Black Dog recorded in Toronto, Canada on the 1st of June 1997. The set can also be downloaded from the Black Dog website as well along with some other goodies.
Observations on Nerds
Over at Maddox’s “Best Page in the Universe“, he has some great observations on a couple types of nerds, with my favourite being the “I wish I was Japanese” anime nerd.
Everyone knows someone like this. They refer to themselves as “otaku” and they embrace everything Japanese, not necessarily because it’s something unique or interesting, but because it’s Japanese. They wear clothing with Japanese or Chinese characters on it that translate to English phrases like “good will” or “long life.” They wouldn’t be able to get away with wearing a shirt that said “long life” in English because it would just look stupid, but as soon as it’s translated into kanji it suddenly becomes cool and mysterious? Please.
The Simpsons – Hungry Hungry Homer
Homer: Kids, how would you like to go to Blockoland?
Bart and Lisa: Meh.
Homer: But the TV gave me the impression that…
Bart: We said, “Meh”.
Lisa: M-E-H. Meh.
Stencil Art
Hey, I like stencil art as much as the next guy (perhaps even more) and I have pretty much zero artistic ability, but don’t you think buying pre-made stencils is a tad lame?
And now the fun is over

Now I’m back at work. That ain’t so cool. But the fun stuff I got up to last week:
- Going to Tamarama beach on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the scorching heat
- Seeing hip Aussie twee-poppers Architecture in Helsinki at the Kirk in the Slurrry (oh how I wish that I got to see Man Jam there 😉 )
- Djing at Tonic in the Cross (seeing some random dude happily gurning to Recloose’s “Up and Up” put a big smile on my face and made it all worth it)
- Drinking way too much at my 10 year school reunion at the Coogee Bay Hotel
- Finally after all these years getting to see Kenny Larkin DJ in Sydney
When I get the chance, I’ll put some pictures up of AIH and Kenny Larkin.
Update: As always Rozie beat me to it and put up the photos of Kenny Larkin up on her gallery.
Hot in the City
Hmmm. First day of summer. I’m loving it. This week I’ve been lucky enough to be off from work, so there’s no need to be whinging about the temperature. I’ve been to the beach Sunday, twice yesterday (Tuesday) and today. This morning the water was warm. The previous days required a moment or two to adjust to the water, but today, damnnnn it was perfect! Yesterday afternoon and this morning I took my bodyboard out. Yesterday was fun with some decent but small waves out the back of Tamarama. This morning due to the high tide, there was only a dumpy shorebreak on offer which gave me a couple of decentish waves. Still great to get out in to the water though. And not be at work. I think I’ll have to do it again tomorrow and Friday as well. Perhaps if I have time, Saturday and Sunday. Back to work next Monday though. Booo!
Tonight, Architecture in Helsinki are playing at Spectrum in Darlinghurst (the old Lizard Lounge I think…) Apparently they’re also playing at the Kirk in the Slurry as well on Thursday. If I’ve got nothing better to, and if I enjoy them today, I guess I’ll go hit up that gig as well… after I’ve been to the beach of course.
For those Architecture in Helsinki fans who are in other states, they’re playing Sunday night (Dec 5th) in Brisbane at the Zoo, Thursday 9th December in Ballarat at the Karova Lounge and then Friday 10th December in Adelaide at Jive. They’ve already played Melbourne, Sydney and Newcastle so far.
This Friday I’m playing down at Tonic in the Cross with Sleepy, Georgee and Hoarse. It’ll be a night of deeper grooves. Its free and things kick off at 8pm and go on into the early morn’ (or until we get kicked out or something).
DJ’s: Georgee, Hoarse, RZ-1 & Sleepy
Burlesque @ Tonic – 62-64 Kellet St, Kings Cross
Friday 3rd December 2004
8pm till late
Touring soon…
Here’s my picks for music coming up:
Jeff Mills – Thursday, November 18th @ home
The Church – Friday, November 26th @ The Rocks
Quantic Soul Orchestra – Saturday, November 27th @ The Gaelic Club
Captain Comatose – Saturday, November 27th @ Mad Racket
Architecture In Helsinki – Wednesday, December 1st @ Spectrum
Burlesque – Friday, December 3rd @ Tonic
Kenny Larkin – Saturday, December 4th @ Bohem
Cobra Killer – Saturday, December 11th @ Spectrum
Marc Newson Zvezdochka’s
Popfrenzy: King Hit

After getting yet another venue shutdown, the Popfrenzy crew are back again with King Hit, their new indie night. Its on every Friday at Suzie Q’s on 169 Oxford street (next to the 24 hour newsagency) from this week. But hey, you knew that already?
New Kenny Larkin Dates for Australia
Phew. It looks like Kenny Larkin isn’t coming to Sydney this week. According to ITM, he’ll be in Australia in December.
Tour Dates:
Friday November 26th – Auckland (Morrison Nightclub)
Saturday November 27th – Wellington (Sandwhiches Nightclub)
Friday December 3rd – Melbourne (Public Office/Soma Corp)
Saturday December 4th – Sydney (Gas Nightclub)
Now there’s more time to enjoy the Southern Outpost Record Launch. And here’s an interview with Kenny from earlier in the year. And also interviews with Southern Outpost from 3D World and In The Mix
Meh… bloody horses…
Am I the only Australian who has a zero care factor in regards to the Melbourne Cup?