That time I worked at IBM for 5 years and all I got was this lousy wood and pewter puzzle.
What I’ve Been Up To
Long time no update. So I’ve been running and stuff. So far I’ve run 4 of the 5 Sydney Striders 10K races. I’ve been working at hitting 40 mins for a 10K race. In May I managed pretty close to that (well OK 8 seconds out) which was a surprise since I thought it wouldn’t be able to do that until later on in the year.

This morning’s race I was a bit off with my stomach churning pretty badly in the last couple of kms, so a 40:40 was about as good as I could expect.
- March – North Head – 42:21
- April – Lane Cove – 41:57
- May – Olympic Park – 40:08
- June – Lane Cover – 40:40
So I guess my goal is to hit a sub-40min 10km by the end of the year.
Also I trained with some work training group for the SMH Half Marathon in May. My previous PB for this race last year was 95:15. This year I aimed for 92 minutes and I ended up nailing it in 91:44, so I was super-happy to knock off that much time off my PB. So now I’m going to raise the bar and aim for a sub-90 in the Blackmore’s Sydney Running Festival half marathon in September. Apparently its a flatter course, so fingers crossed!
The City2Surf and the Bay Run are both coming up pretty damn soon so I’ve got some busy times ahead.
What I Ate: Tuesday 8th July, 2008
- Two fried eggs on toast
- watered down fruit juice
Morning tea
- white tea with one sugar
- two chocolate crackles
- Chicken teriyaki
- can of diet coke
Afternoon tea
- water
- white tea with one sugar
- one chocolate biscuit
- one banana
- lamb chops with peas, asparagas, pumpkin and rice
- fruit cordial with sparkling mineral water
- 3 chocolates
- yoghurt
- glass of milk
Kung Hei Fat Choy
My only (Chinese) new years resolution is to get a new fucking job. Fuck this place.
WordPress upgraded
Finally got around to upgrading wordpress to 2.0.2. Due to some security issues, its definitely worth moving to (along with the very funky post editor…nice).
Since I’m on holidays at the moment, I guess I’ll try and spend some time when I can to change to something else besides this default template. Ditto for Rozie’s site.
Announcing: Digg 2
OK, so after my post yesterday, I just had to try and do something at it. At the moment I’ll have to forget about exporting my currently dugg links. But, I’m managed to create a basic greasemonkey script to add a “save to” link on Requirements are firefox with the greasemonkey plugin installed.

It’ll grab the title, description and category (which it’ll use as a tag) for the post and save it to using the api. Its pretty basic right now (this is just an initial release) but I guess I’ll try and make it so when you press the “save to” button, you get a popup, so that you can then change the tags, description, etc.
It works properly on the front pages, but in other sections, it’ll grab some pretty weird stuff for the tags, so precede with caution!
The script can get found and installed from here.
digg and syncing
Just pondering something which doing a quick google for didn’t come up with any results; being able to sync links that I’ve “dugg” on over to my account.
I’ve got quite a few links dugg now, and quite a few of them I couldn’t be arsed tagging again in I guess I could export my dugg links using the provided rss feed, but then, how would I know whether I’ve already tagged it on I guess doesn’t really care, but I’m more concerned about speed. Having to download a stack of links that I might have tagged, then uploading them again might be a bit time consuming.
I guess the ideal situation would be if just automatically posted to each time you dugg something.
For the time being, perhaps I could extract the dugg links using the rss feed, do some wrangling of the text and then submit the links using the api for posting.
Update: Looks like can output pretty much all your dugg links using javascript. I lose the date of the digg though, which is something that the rss feed has (although it only seems to allow for 20 posts to be displayed) but I guess that’ll have to be something that’ll have to do without. Atleast I can export all my posts. Also the posting api allows for ignoring of posts that have already been submitted, so that’s a plus as well. I guess I could just have a python/perl/bash/whatever script run as a cron job on a server periodically and have it perhaps only grab the last 10 or so dugg links (better make that a variable).
Update 2: Dammit, the javascript export and the rss feed doesn’t have the actual link. It has the link to the post on *sigh* Perhaps this is going to be a job for greasemonkey?
Turning off posts
I’m turning off my posts for now. Its kind of overtaking my blog and making me lazy (like you haven’t noticed 😉 ) If you want to keep up with what I’m linking over at, there’s the last ten links in the sidebar of my blog, you can check out directly on, or you can add me to your inbox on if you’ve got an account.
links for 2005-09-23
Nice free icons for websites
macpiload is a dockapp for GNU/Linux that monitors ACPI status, meaning temperature, battery status and AC adapter status, in a nice graphical display. It has an LCD look-alike user interface, and is supported by X window managers such as Window Maker, Af
links for 2005-09-22
links for 2005-09-21
Hieroglyphic Being aka Jamal Moss live at Sommer Etikett
The Cyclic Defrost blog
links for 2005-09-20
great networking since 2004, powered by dbus and hal
here are some packages for NetworkManager for ubuntu/breezy
GNOME Sensors Applet is an applet for the GNOME Panel to display readings from hardware sensors, including CPU temperature, fan speeds and voltage readings under Linux
An Elite-inspired MMO game. Not released yet, but some great preview screenshots and video
Oooh, interesting take on the controller
RoundCube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface. It provides full functionality you expect from an e-mail client, including MIME support, address book, folder manipulation and message filters. RoundCub
Serpentine is an application for writing CD-Audio discs. It aims for simplicity, usability and compability.
If you use two pointers, can four people still play? How will Revolution handle more conventional games? We’ve got the facts.
Audio Tag Tool is a program to manage the information fields in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files, commonly called tags.
Digg is a technology news website that combines social bookmarking, blogging, RSS, and non-hierarchical editorial control.
A brief rundown on what Flock will have to offer
“Flock advertises itself as a “social browser,” meaning that the application plays nicely with popular web services like Flickr, Technorati and Flock also features widely compliant WYSIWYG, drag-and-drop blogging tools.”
Hopefully this’ll mean quicker updating of the IBM server support on RHEL
Learn to use Google’s advanced query syntax to get results quickly
And this time around it will be built by you
WPG2 is a WordPress Plug-in that embeds Gallery2 within WordPress to share photos, videos and any other Gallery2 content seamlessly into the WordPress Sidebar and Blog entries.
links for 2005-09-19
The Daily Chump Bot is an IRC bot which allows you to create a collaborative weblog from IRC chat. Using it is easy: just cut and paste a URL into the channel and then add comments using a simple label.
Tommy Westphall was an austistic child on the TV series “St Elsewhere” who, it was revealed in the closing moments of the final episode of that series, had dreamt the entire run of the show.
Expanding the value of BladeCenter ecosystem
Music management and playback for gnome – looks potentially better than Rhythmbox
After kernel upgrade to 2.6.12-8, restart/boot = kernel panic
Hilarious retort from a Sun engineer to a SPARCLinux developer
This sounds like the problem I had last night. Time to boot off the live CD and fix things up 🙁
links for 2005-09-17
Deskzilla is an alternative Bugzilla client. It is a desktop application with interactive user interface and unique capabilities that are a valuable addition to the feature-rich web-based Bugzilla software.
links for 2005-09-15
One Debian package daily
Anecdotes about the development of Apple’s original Macintosh computer, and the people who created it.
AppleJack is a user friendly troubleshooting assistant for Mac OS X. With AppleJack you can troubleshoot a computer even if you can’t load the GUI, or don’t have a startup CD handy. AppleJack runs in Single User Mode and is menu-based for ease of use
Griffith is a movie collection manager application. Adding items to the movie collection is as quick and easy as typing the film title and selecting a supported source. Griffith will then try to fetch all the related information from the Web.
A website providing customizable Themes for WordPress users
An OpenSource embedded Linux development kit for system builders, early adopters and tech-savvy end users.
introducing the world’s most innovative social browsing experience
links for 2005-09-13
Tinnitus Treatment
This is a list of the best free downloadable tech/gaming shows currently available on the Internet. These shows are also referred to as vidcasts, VODcasts, videozines, and IPTV.
commandN is a weekly web news video show that covers technology trends online and offline.
NerdTV is a new weekly online TV show from technology columnist Robert X. Cringely. NerdTV is essentially Charlie Rose for geeks – a one-hour interview show with a single guest from the world of technology.
Serial console, firmware hacks and other information
1.0Tb Network Attached Storage, PPC-based device
links for 2005-09-10
DIY MIDI SID Synth built from a C64
Gameboy music & camera/ 8-bit futurist/ atari /micro-chiptunes/electro-funk/space-punk
Commodore 64 Music in the real world & related SID stories…
VST virtual instrument: ReFX’s QuadraSID
QuadraSID offers far more than a simple emulation of the SID chip. Enriched with many new functions e.g. an arpeggiator, four LFOs, wavetables and a eight fold oversampling, this software instrument offers unlimited sonic possibilities, and surprises even
“Your favorite bikinis from Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball can be yours!”
The Subsystem Device Driver is a pseudo device driver designed to support the multipath configuration environments in the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server, the IBM TotalStorage DS family, the IBM TotalStorage SAN Volume Controller, and the IBM T
Its about time I get my hearing tested and some decent earplugs
Podcast of the Daily Show videos
Lik-Sang found a whole bunch of original, unopened stock of Super Famicoms and Gameboys. Great for collectors except now they’re all sold out
Tonight (9/9/2005)
All that you need to know is:
- DOMU at the Civic
- Steve Rachmad at the Civic
And don’t forget tomorrow night:
- Paradise Lost at the Sly Fox in Enmore (flyer)
links for 2005-09-06
LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic giving you the ability of producing music with your computer by creating cool loops, synthesizing and mixing sounds, arranging samples, etc
RetroGaming Radio is your MP3 show all about classic gaming – interviews, news, hardware and software reviews, flashbacks, editorial rants – we love classic gaming and we’re on the air every month to bring you the goods. Three years and running! Find out
links for 2005-09-02
This article is intended mainly for developers who are new to Xen and who want to know more about it. The first two sections, however, are general and do not deal with code.
LEGO Digital Designer allows you to create LEGO designs on your computer. Then you can order a custom the design