So I’m walking along the Pyrmont Bridge heading home after work and I see a guy with a Marimekko bag. Its completely black and I think to myself “Who the hell buys a freaking black Marimekko bag?!?”. It was the most annoyed I’d been all day.
Category: design
Marc Newson Zvezdochka’s
Damask Wallpaper Patterns
Via Alex, exactly what I was looking for, some really nice wallpaper patterns.
…to Bronwyn for getting listed as one of half a dozen of the best web designers in the SMH.
The little things
Somedays, its nice just to stumble across a little program or utility that makes you day just that little bit easier. Potrace by Peter Selinger is one of those great little programs. Potrace traces a bitmap and then transforms the bitmap into a smooth, scalable image. At the moment Potrace can output the file as an EPS, PostScript, SVG (scalable vector graphics), and PGM file. Very useful for when you want to do something with some crusty old gif file or something, and you can’t be assed tracing by hand in Illustrator or something. Here’s an example of a file that I converted:
- Drexciyan Gill Man (before)
- Drexciyan Gill Man (after)

And its nice to see that its available for Linux, Sun Solaris, Apple Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, AIX and Windows.
I Am Ten Ninjas

From the Diesel Sweeties site is the I Am Ten Ninjas t-shirt. I reminds me of the cover artwork to the of C-64 game “The Last Ninja”. Only available until next week though. Still comtemplating…
And if you miss out, there’s still the desktop wallpaper as well.
Digging Gunstar-Red
Now that Deviant Art seems to be working a bit better, I can actually view more of Gunstar-Red’s work. At the moment, I’m totally feeling the gamers series which consists of a US, a UK and a Japanese gamer.
Edge Retro Edition Cover Artist Gunstar-Red

Recently I purchased volume 3 of the Edge Retro special. I really liked the cover art (being the big fan of pixel art that I am!), which I found out was by Gunstar-Red. He also has a great website over at Army of Trolls.