FM Towns

Thought I’d dump out this post since it was sitting in saved state for so long. I’ll add some more info to it later.

Fujitsu FM-Towns IIThe Fujitsu FM Towns was one of those funky Japanese game systems from the late 80’s/early 90’s which I used to drool over in PC Mags like the NEC PC Engine. Unlike the PC Engine which atleast made it to the States and the UK, the Fujitsu FM Towns never seems to have made it outside of Japan. It was pretty ahead of its time, having alot the things that the MPC1 and MPC2 standards aspired to at the time, like a CD-ROM, game controllers, high color video card (which had a color palette of 16.7 million colours) and sound cards. This were all pretty awesome stuff to be having in a 386 at the time!

Another interesting thing about it was the different variations on this machine. First up there was the FM Towns, then after that there was the updated FM Towns II. Somewhere along the line came the FM Towns Marty. Searching around I’ve also come across the FM Towns II UR, which appears to be the same as the FM Towns II EX and the FM Towns HR-20. These three models sport the updated 486. There also appears to be a FM Towns 20F, but it seems to be another name for the FM Towns II.

And here some more interesting FM Towns links:

The Samba Project: Transformation of Self through Open Source Software Development

Props to Bec’s brother Nico who has completed a thesis on the Samba community.

This research is an exploratory study into the constitution of identity in the Samba community. The results presented are based upon an analysis of documents, websites, internet-relay-chat (IRC), mailing lists, private correspondence and face-to-face interviews. The primary method of data collection was the semi-structured interview method.

Observations on Nerds

Over at Maddox’s “Best Page in the Universe“, he has some great observations on a couple types of nerds, with my favourite being the “I wish I was Japanese” anime nerd.

Everyone knows someone like this. They refer to themselves as “otaku” and they embrace everything Japanese, not necessarily because it’s something unique or interesting, but because it’s Japanese. They wear clothing with Japanese or Chinese characters on it that translate to English phrases like “good will” or “long life.” They wouldn’t be able to get away with wearing a shirt that said “long life” in English because it would just look stupid, but as soon as it’s translated into kanji it suddenly becomes cool and mysterious? Please.

‘Tis the Season to Spend Money

I don’t usually do the post Christmas sales at all. That’s the highly skilled territory of my Mother and Sister but this year since I was up in Newcastle staying at my Sister’s house, I thought I’d join her at (agh!) 7am or so when David Jones opened in Kotara. Luckily Kotara DJ’s isn’t like Sydney DJ’s on the day of the post-Christmas sales. Infact there was barely anyone around so it was a perfect time to go shopping. No waiting to try clothes on or anything like that. Got myself some shirts and new pair of jeans. Saved about $200 or so. Can’t complain about that. The best part of the day was when we headed to Charlestown. I got bored waiting for my Sister and Rozie, so I wandered down to Big W and check out the games section for any bargains (like I had with DJ’s, Toys-R-Us, K-Mart and Myer previously). Much to my pleasure they had Nintendo Gameboy Advances in there for $50. That’s right! $50!!! Score!!! OK, its not that big a deal considering it isn’t the backlit SP version and I guess they’re just trying to move this older stock to make way for the impending Nintendo DS, but hey… $50!! Down from $108. Yeah…

Post-xmas Pondering

Over Christmas I kept hearing about supposed left-wing, commie, politically correct, no fun, non-demoninational peoples ruining “everyone elses'” fun by trying to make things less “Christian”. Err, who are these supposed people (besides perhaps Clover Moore)? Do they really exist? Then again, I don’t know anyone who actually likes Shannon Noel but the guy seems to sell lots of records… perhaps its time to expand my social network.

Holy Retro-Controller Crap on a (joy)Stick Batman!

Sega & Neo Geo Controllers

Now this is the kinda shit that totally gives me the horn (besides going into a newsagent and finding my monthly copy of Retro Gamer Magazine). Sega are to (re)release a USB version of their Sega Saturn controller and Sega Logistics and SNK Playmore are to (re)release a PS2 (not PS/2) version of the TOTALLY kickass Neo Geo Arcade joystick. Also worth noting is that a company called Retrozone sell USB modded versions of NES, SNES, Intellivision, Atari/C64, Genesis/Megadrive, Colecovision and PC Engine/Turbografx 16 controllers.

Xanga Liberation Front

After Giv liberated Beta from her old Xanga blog, last night I finally got around to liberating Joanne and Bec’s from their old Xanga blogs. You can now find Joanne here (pending her domain ;-)) and Bec here.

One thing that I couldn’t find in the past is some sort of Xanga export tool. If you want blog exporting on Xanga, you need to pay for it with a Xanga Premium Account. Yeah, riiight. Luckily XRIP came to the rescue. XRIP is just a php script that dumps all of your Xanga posts into a MovableType post file which most blogging software these days can import happily (including WordPress, which is what Bec and Joanne’s blogs are now running.) It required a bit of sed’ing to remove some of the nasty formatting that Xanga puts into its posts, but after that it was all good. Then follow the WordPress Movable Type import guide, voila! No more Xanga.

So now the girls get new blogs and get to keep their old posts (including Beta as well :D) Now onto those pesky LiveJournals 😉

Xscreensaver Annoyance

My work laptop, when I’m at work is usually connected to an external CRT monitor which runs at 1280×1024. Due to some really annoying bug in XFree86, it wouldn’t display any screensavers at the full screensize. Instead it would run the screensaver at the resolution of the LCD panel in the laptop (which in the case of my laptop was 1024×768). So today at lunchtime I finally had enough, and after a bit of googling I found the solution on JWZ‘s website (the author of Xscreensaver). To fix the problem, edit ~/.xscreensaver and put in the rather appropriate GetViewPortIsFullOfLies:True at the bottom of the file (or just set GetViewPortIsFullOfLies to True if its already there).