I updated to GNOME 2.7.x last night from Nyquist’s RPM repository, prompted by PhotoMatt’s post on GNOME 2.8. I’m also using jdub’s Indubstrial theme, which has been “suggested” to be the standard theme for GNOME 2.8. Also running is RealPlayer 10 streaming C-B-S. So far it seems to be very stable. Actually the most stable I’ve ever seen GNOME (not to say that it hasn’t been stable for a while). But considering that the PC that its running on has a PIII 733Mhz CPU, I’m pretty impressed.
3 thoughts on “GNOME 2.7.x”
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How did you get GNOME 2.7 to install on Warty ?
Its actually Fedora Core 1 with GNOME 2.7, which was what my computer was running previous to me installing Warty.