A new version of XMAME has finally been released. You can grab a patch against 0.72.1 or the full tarball. I guess it should only be a matter of time when the FreshRPMs packages are done.
Changes since 0.72.1:
- Everything from MAME 0.74 and MESS CVS.
- Reapplied David Mitchell’s fix for the XInput inertial effect when a mouse or spinner is used. (Jake Stookey)
- Added support for controllor setup via “-ctrlr“. Note that “-hotrod” and “-hotrodse” have been replaced by “-ctrlr HotRod” and “-ctlrlr HotRodSE“.
- Added support for the Sun Forte 7 C compiler. (Greg Menke)
- Added support for Mesa and Sun OpenGL on Solaris. (Greg Menke)