Here’s to 2007. Can’t say it was great year but I guess it wasn’t that bad either (besides Dad getting bowel cancer but he seems to be on the mend, so its all good).

Here’s my current desktop at work. I’m running fluxbox 1.0rc2 (guess I should upgrade it to 1.0 sometime huh?), mrxvt with full transparency with window decorations turned off. All the stats and info on the left is conky. Love it.
I guess one of my goals for the new year is to perhaps blog a bit more (yeah, we all say that don’t we huh?) If you’re curious what’s travelling through my brain, you can always check out my bookmarks.
Hey Dave, is not almost 2009 and I see you haven’t update your blog a lot… any update about that? I love the posts about “What i ate today”