I enjoyed this weekend greatly. I think it was the first time in about two months where I really had the weekend to do what I really wanted to do. No being sick, no worrying about work, no family engagement. Just me, me, me.
On Friday night Rozie and I headed into the City and met up with Thommy and the crew to celebrate/mourn him finishing up his current job. Ate too much at Chinese Noodle Resturant, then off to drinks at the Soho bar. There were some truly munted guys in there at around 11pm. Too early for that kind of thing. One of the guys kept falling asleep on Justine and Rozie and occasionally muttering “Youse guys are bloody legends”. After that we headed to Candy’s Apartment for Boogiedown. It was OK to start with, but by the time we left at around 2am, the music was a tad meh.
Saturday morning was spent celebrating Benn’s birthday for brunch at Campari in the City. Happy birthday for Sunday Benn! After that Rozie, Matt and I headed down to the Glebe Record Fair to pickup some bargains. Tony, Ed, Simon and Quest were there getting rid of some of their unwanted records. I managed to pickup a couple of old Chicago tracks, a Paul Hannah EP on Ferox, an Imagination EP and something else. Rozie dug through the crates a lot harder than me and only made it to about two stalls before her money ran out. She managed to find plenty of bargains.

After that we met up with BJ (in some very tight trackies), Cuts, Thommy and Teresa for our lunch (their breakfast) at Mint in Surry Hills. Its the first time I’ve eaten there, and it was great. I had a fantastic beef salad with pine nuts and eggplant. After that we went home and I watched Takedown, which is the movie of the story of Kevin Mitnick. It was super-corney with PC laptops making Macintosh noises, funky graphics popping up on screens that usually aren’t there, and nerdie hackers having sex while their boxes are getting 0wned. After that I watched Spike Lee’s 25th Hour which was fantastic. Not too sure of the last 10 minutes. BJ reasoned with me that with was a nice way to finish it since Edward Norton’s character looked like he had nothing to look forward to for the whole movie, and this was perhaps something to counterbalance that.
After I dropped Rozie at her relaxation seminar at Sydney Uni, I spent sometime shopping in Bondi Junction Westfield, which seems to have doubled in size since I went there earlier on in the year. And they still don’t seem to have finished the place. I ended up buying some goodies for Rozie and I bought myself a pair of black Adidas Superstar Dboss‘s with the Adidas logo embossed into the leather in a pattern like the Gucci print. Yay, what a weekend.
pics of the sneaks!! pics of the sneaks!! puhlease!!
they are hot! yummm