My gallery is back up and running again. I’ll hopefully have some more photos up online soon as well.
The photos are gone…
But they’ll be back. I accidentally deleted all the files in my photo gallery. Hopefully they’ll be back online soon.
Prefuse73 are coming to town
Looks like Warp Records artist Prefuse73 is coming to town. He’s playing at the Gaelic Club just near Central for ~$27. Should be a cool dose of cut up digital hip-hop beats and stuff.
Other blogs at
Back again!
Well my old Project Steve Guttenberg based blog became broken for some reason or another that I just couldn’t be bothered get working again. So here we are again now, which a new blog system; WordPress.
More to come!
Retro-gaming drama
A nice little movie featuring some classic games such as Mario, Out Run and California Games. Nice one.
The things people do…
Some days you just feel overwhelmed by some of the crap weblogs that get setup. π
Area man renames himself after autobot leader
Something that would be more in place over at The Onion, a member of Ohio’s 5694th National Guard Unit in Mansfield has renamed himself to “Optimus Prime”, after the leader of the Autobots from the 80’s children’s television series The Transformers. Optimus Prime said “I got a letter from a general at the Pentagon when the name change went through and he says it was great to have the employ of the commander of the Autobots in the National Guard.”
Not what I’d do with an X-Box
While getting an X-Box and installing X-Box Linux on it and perhaps running MAME on it might be fun, installing Lotus Domino server just doesn’t sound like my idea of fun though.
Interesting party on Friday 21/03/2003
Tomorrow night (21/03/2003), there is a party called “Quiet Please”. The concept is that the only output of sound from this party will be through your headphones on your walkman or some such device tuned into a particular frequency which transmits the sounds for the party. More details below.
A bunch of links
Thought I’d chuck some links onto my pathetically maintained blog. My buddy Matt has started up his own random link generator (ala B3ta, Memepool et al) over at Carbonated Brain. Still in early days, but with the way that Matt finds links, I’m sure it’ll be kicking along in no time.
Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf presents an essay on DHCP over at good ole Router God. Also you can Shitznikalise you webpage with Snoop Dog. Also worth a gander is the Turd Twister and Zero Sex Life, which follows the tales and tribulations of some poor guy trying to get laid.
Photos from Rozie and Patrick’s birthday party now online
Rozie and Patrick had a joint 30th birthday party on Saturday night at Savaaaaaage Resturant/Bar/Record store. Some canapes, beer and cocktails and lots of friends. Rozie’s photos are here, while Patrick’s are naturally other here.
Futura2000 & DJ Shadow
Last night I headed over to Space3 in Chippendale to attend the opening of the Futura2000 exhibition. Rumour was that DJ Shadow was supposed to be playing there, but during the time there, I didn’t see him. Futura2000 was there though signing stuff, and DJ Blaze was playing some nice hip hop beats. But at the end of the day, the artwork failed to move me (I really can’t get into art when the room is jam packed full of scene queens… I like it empty), and I would have been better off going to the screening of Bowling for Columbine, which I had a 4 free passes to. That’ll teach me.
Job Vacancy
Looking for a new job? Despise your current boss? Then try something new. From the ad:
“Make the most of your natural figure…”
For a slow Friday afternoon
Random funny links
Real Ultimate Power!!! Read what it like to have the “Real Ultimate Power” of being a ninja. Check out this awesome flash animate. Love the music. You’ve gotta turn it up loud to appreciate the full quality of the audio. Do you like pirate jokes such as:
“Have you heard about the new pirate movie? Its rated AARRRRGGH!”
Well watch out. Think I’ll be collecting some more jokes for my site soon! Also make sure you check out leprechauns darts. Fun!!! updated
Not content with Radio Userland, it looks like BJ has updated his weblog to the Zope based content management system, Plone. Looks pretty damn nice. All you need now is some content dude! π Other fellow Dorjian’s Kernow and B are kickin’ along with their blogs, and also for the darn cutest blog around, check out Paige Bebee’s blog.
Am I Blog or Not?
Rate other peoples’ blogs. Yes, I said other peoples’.
Get your grammar right!
Not too sure if that was a grammatically correct sentence, but go over here to visit the Apostrophe Protection Society to learn to when and when not to use you apostrophes. You can also visit their message board to alert other internet users on crimes to punctuation.